Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Vehicle Violation

Thought you might enjoy a quick story that has NOTHING to do with the weather...

Well, it has a little to do with the weather. And this will be quick...

Yesterday I was leaving a business meeting.

While I was in the meeting, it started to snow...not that much, but enough to dust the vehicles that were waiting patiently for their owners...

I had parked in the lot across the road and was quickly, but carefully...(did I mention I fell a couple of weeks ago and ended up in the e.r. with a concussion? I didn't? Well then, this might not be so quick)...

I approached my car and hit the "meepmeep" unlock button on my key chain...

Got to my office on wheels and clumsily loaded my bag and folders onto the passenger seat, my blackberry into the cup holder, kicked the snow from my boots and slipped into the driver's seat...

What the??

My seat was WAY out of position...Did I do that for some reason??

And I looked down and noticed the floor mats were different than I remembered, but...not surprising, I guess..

I reached for my bright green mittens? Didn't I leave them on the seat??

And looked much cleaner than I remember...

I turned around...I must have tossed my mittens into the back...


No mittens.


Holy %$^&
I was in someone.Else'

I could picture alarms blaring and being surrounded by police if I didn't get my sh&* together fast...

I hustled to jump out with my bag, my phone, the stuff I had strewn over the front of this poor soul's unlocked car...I felt like I had committed the crime of the century...

So there I was, unzipped, un-mittened, un-calm...standing in the middle of this parking lot...hoping the owner didn't come out and try to get into his/her vehicle...I "adjusted" the seat to suit my vertically challenged self...and this person MUST have been tall...that seat had been WAAAAAY back...and in my haste to vacate, I didn't re-adjust...

With what must have been a look of sheer panic, I looked around for my car...

Where in the hell did I put it?

Was it stolen? I KNOW I had locked it...I am a bit OCD about locking it...

I started back toward the office building...looking...searching...



There it was...

In another parking lot in another direction...

Hmmm...think I've got a lot on my brain?

I just about broke out into a skidding run toward my filthy, muddy, snowy, crusty vehicle.


I opened the door.

AAAHHH. Thank goodness.

There were the dirty floor mats. There were my green mittens. The car seats were in place. The seat was perfectly close to the steering wheel.

I put the key into the ignition and started it up.


I drove by the car that I had really did look just like mine...ugh. Should I go back and put the seat back?


Is there a moral here?

Well, I guess...make sure you lock your cars.

There are crazy, preoccupied, short people like me out there wandering the parking lots...

So if you ever get into your car and notice your seat out of whack, or if you find a bright green mitten on the floor under the back seat...don't worry, it was probably me.

Sorry bout that. hehe.

Thanks For Reading.

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